Friday, December 31, 2010

New Years Eve almost 2011

Been a long time since I've written here. Thought I'd start it up again, see how long it lasts this time. See if anyone reads/responds...

New Year's Eve, almost 2011. In spite of the crappy economy, I feel like personally things will be steady and improving this coming year. I intend (=new year resolution) to do more income producing projects, independent of my two part time jobs. I want to fix up old frames, for people who own them, or else buy and resell them. I want to do French Matting as a custom service. Special things like that. Maybe even do some of my own art and sell that. Little things that I can do on the side, at home, in my spare time, that will bring in a little extra.

I also will continue to transform my front veggie garden (used to be lawn) into a more perennial food producing spot. It's a heckova lot of work doing annuals, especially when summers are so iffy. I will keep a small spot for garlic, and maybe for squash or peppers as those seem to have done well even in crappy summers. Otherwise, more berries and other fruits. Maybe try a fig again but put it out away from the house so it can get more sun.