Sunday, February 10, 2008

Gardening vs. Pregnancy

Today was good. Went hiking with two friends in Stimpson Nature Reserve during the rain, but it's so overgrown there that we hardly got rained on at all. Nice. Got home in mid-afternoon, and a friend had sent me a cd of our high school friend's music, that was fun to listen to.
Then around 4pm the sun came out! So I went outside, got my shovel and gloves, and worked a bit on the garden out front, trimming the overgrown grass away from the sidewalk. An old Chinese woman came by and without cracking a grin, totally poker face, said "It's not Spring yet!" I laughed and we talked for a bit, she gave me advice on getting down and pulling the grass out, I said I liked using my tools, but she's welcome to join in and start pulling if she wanted to!
Having that garden out front is sort of like being pregnant. Everyone thinks it's totally fine to just stop by, pat me on the proverbial belly, and tell me how I should do things. And it is totally fine, 'cause I'm not pregnant. But I remember how that was, and how total strangers would just out with it, blurt out whatever grand advice they held that they couldn't hold back. What's so fun about gardening is that it sure doesn't matter at all. They can say any old thing and it's so easy to either thank them, or humor them (if they're taking themselves a bit seriously) or pull their leg and tease them (if they're taking themselves way too seriously.) Most people who have gardened any time at all know that there's lots of ways to do it right, and what with the weather, seed types and qualities, etc... who knows! Almost anything goes. That's what's so fun about it. As long as you're getting some kind of good results some of the time, then it's a success. Meanwhile, we're all learning from each other, sometimes they really do have good ideas; sometimes they didn't know you can just "let it rot" and not till it in, and that works too. At least I hope so!

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