Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Beast of Burden

That's what I should name my wheelbarrow. It's one of those two wheeled triangle shaped plastic jobbies, very stable, holds plenty, easy to work with as long as the load is balanced right over the space between the wheels and the legs. I moved about six bales today, all by myself. I took them in pieces, didn't even Try to move one whole.
Actually I felt like a beast today, pulling that loaded little wagon behind me over the bumpy wet field to the truck. I gave my back a workout, again. I can't believe it was only two days ago I just did this kind of thing, I'm a glutton for punishment I guess. No wonder I feel so wiped out right now. I almost fell asleep on the couch.
I might go back for one more load, maybe Friday. Supposed to be all sunny this week, and it sure was today. Warmed up into the 40's I think. Another frosty night tonight.
I splurged on studded tires yesterday. I'm glad I did, with these icy roads. Even going out in the early morning would be risky without them, with frosty patches in the shade. Now with some chains I'll be going up the mountain all winter, to hike on my snowshoes or x-country skis up there.
After working like I have been lately, it would be like resting to go hiking! I've often felt this way, after having spent many days in a row doing home improvement, it's like being lazy to go hike a few miles or more.
Well, one more load of wet hay for the garden and I can let it just sit all winter and rot. Me too! haha jk.

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