Friday, November 9, 2007

what I did today (July 1, 2007)

took shower
had coffee, read email, news
cooked chocolate malt-o-meal for breakfast
made yogurt
ate blueberries with yogurt for second breakfast
did wash, hung up socks & towels, put shirts in dryer
watered garden, dug up a few new potatoes
put away stuff from gleaning yesterday
repaired garden hoses
loaded bins & shovel into truck
made pizza for lunch
took shirts out of dryer, dumped onto bed
drove out to the county to pick strawberries
picked up manure and old coffee grounds on the way back
dumped and mixed above in pile at corner of garden
ate ripest strawberries with vanilla ice cream
went to fill the truck with gas, stopped at two stores on the way back
picked sugar snap peas
took laundry off clothesline, dumped onto bed
pizza & wine for dinner
cleaned, hulled, sliced & sugared strawberries, put into fridge
cleaned and blanched snap peas, bagged & froze them
changed aquarium water
put yogurt in fridge
folded & put laundry away
read book, ate jalapeno pringles

that's enough. tomorrow I'll mow the lawn.

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