Friday, November 9, 2007


If someone is having an emergency back problem, they should go ahead and apply their pressure, open up the nerves that are getting pinched... but mostly I think they should work with the patient on having them get their back in position, little by little, on a daily basis, with maybe a little adjustment now and then. Maybe. They should do house and/or office calls, helping the patient get their sleeping and sitting positions corrected, getting their mattress/neck/lumbar support set up.

I had a couple vertebrae in my neck that were out of alignment last November. My left arm was basically numb (when not excruciatingly painful) and fast becoming a dead weight. It was very scary, and the MD thought it was my 5/6th cervical vertebrae causing the problem. He recommended a physical therapist, but I went to a chiropractor instead. After three visits in one week he got it fixed to the point where I could use it again, but for a long time I still had pain and some numbness, especially when I moved it up high at all.
After getting a new mattress, sleeping on my back every night, and using a rolled up towel under my neck, it's gotten so I hardly ever notice or think about it. Almost 100% healed. It's been many months, but I haven't been back to the chiropractor. It took a lot of experimentation to get the right thickness with the towel, keeping it in the right position... and getting used to staying on my back all night. But I feel so good when I get up in the morning, I don't mind it at all anymore. No way would I consider rolling onto my side again! I had tried it, after about a month or so, but I immediately started having the symptoms again, so stopped it promptly.
The reason I so diligently dedicated myself to getting healed, without more chiropractic adjustments, is that a friend told me that sometimes people end up having a stroke and getting paralyzed after certain chiropractic neck adjustments. The one I went to tended to stay away from my neck, but on the last of the three visits that week in November he did do a small "tweak" on my neck that made me nervous. I'm glad it turned out okay.

So I think since we get out of alignment little by little, that should also be the way we get back into it. Changing our mattress and sleeping and sitting position is where it's at.
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