Friday, November 9, 2007

from Feb. 26, 2007

Started digging the sod out of the newest garden bed, bed #3.
Bed #1 has been growing in size for almost 4 years, very slowly though. Bed #2 has been sitting idle under cardboard, mulch and manure for a year, ready to plant now. The newest one, to be carved out of a section of lawn, just got delineated a few days ago. I'd been debating whether to do the idle thing with it, burying it under cardboard and straw, or to dig it up and get it going sooner. Late this afternoon I made the decision to get it going. I dug four rows of sod out with the newly sharpened shovel, what a difference a sharp tool makes!
I had removed the hydrangea bush over the weekend, which was next to the front steps, and now that it's gone I realize I must have a railing there, it's dangerous. Another project, but a necessity, not a "want." It would be nice to have one that matched the wrought iron one on the other side, but whatever happens soonest and cheapest that will be sturdy will prevail.
Meanwhile I'm very enthused about all the garden space. Now I can really grow stuff, not squeeze plants into a crowded space with no room for a footprint between. I can even see having a fourth plot of straw mulch next to plot #3 for squash and pumpkins to sprawl across, reaching all the way to the sidewalk!
It'll be very very nice to have less lawn to mow, too!
Dig it!

(this is interesting to read, now it's November, and about a month ago I had sixty straw bales delivered, and finished covering the rest of the front lawn. Earlier this fall/late summer, I covered the lower part of the west half with cardboard and have been regularly adding old coffee grounds from Starbucks and horse manure from a neighbor. It's all covered now, and has a layer of winter peas sprouting over it! What a transition. Fun to see, and also fun to read what I wrote about 9 months ago...)

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