Friday, November 9, 2007

July 2, 2007

So yesterday's done list was to look back and see what I can do when I'm not out hiking. Usually on Sundays I go hiking with a group, but I've already been three times to where they went, so didn't need to go again, and what with strawberry season winding to a close, thought it best to go get some perfectly ripe ones, not those yellow rocks they sell for $5/quart at Haggen. Okay, they're not all yellow rocks, but enough of them to turn me off. I like em dark red and juicy, like an overripe peach. Run down your chin ripe.
So today I hid from the sun and heat (it's all relative) until about 7 when I went out to try to mow the lawn. Push mower, I'm the engine, mmmmph. Didn't quite finish, quit early to eat more snap peas off the vine. I just didn't have the energy, tomorrow is another day. Besides, hopefully it'll turn brown soon and I can slack off.
I'm proud of myself. Today I went to Costco and spent only about thirty bucks. A first. Of course I bought more than I went there to get (organic coffeebeans), but then I saw Glide floss, and now I have a lifetime supply, and also saw some liquid vitamins, I love liquid vitamins, and thought it would do me some good, so I got them. Yum. So I didn't get new towels, nor a case of snickers bars, not a shed, nor a flat television. I sure can do without all that stuff. Well, I could use a shed, but not the solid plastic job they had. Uuuugggg-ly! Costco, the (hundred) dollar store.

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