Friday, November 9, 2007

Errands galore

I spent the rainy morning out doing errands, and got a lot done. Let's see, where did I go first? Oh yea, to the post office to pick up mail, and send off a box to my d.i.l., a little nice necklace to celebrate her getting out of the Air Force. What a relief! not so much that she didn't like her work, which is enough, but mainly so that she won't get sent "over there", which when you're working on fixing planes, was a distinct possibility all this time.
From there I went up to the ReStore to see what they had. No new doors, but I did find a tool handle for my cultivator head that fell out of its old handle, and for 50 cents you can't beat it. Also a huge plastic tub that I can use when picking up manure for the garden to keep the truck clean.
Then... up to Big Lots for a bed frame, to replace the oversized one I've been struggling to stay out of the way of, but after a week realize it's too big for the little room. So their cheap metal frames were thirty bucks, too much. Across the street to the Salvation Army, got one for only ten. Such a deal. Had a little rust on one end, so treated it with phosphoric acid when I got home, and now it's as good as new. Better life with chemicals.
Down the road to the Farm Store, checked out their soil supplements, got bone meal. Almost got potatoes but thought I might check out varieties first, or use some cheapass ones from the grocery store, or something. It being St. Patrick's Day it's supposed to be the day to plant potatoes around here, but I'm not irish, so...
Back toward town, where next? stopped at the Chinese market for red jasmine rice, sweet bean paste, and ginger powder. Yum.
Into town, to the other Farm Store, no potatoes at all there.
Next intersection, Starbucks, nailed two large bags of used grounds for the garden! Wow!
Around the corner, to the Co-op, got an empty 5 gallon bucket for my garden from their free-stuff corner.
Down the hill to the grocery store. Found a deal on a box of 48 mini creme brulee tarts in the frozen section. And potatoes! The bin of loose ones down by the floor, mixed colors, yellow, red and bakers. Half of them sprouting already, and green! How wonderful, to find them today! 6 for a dollar! Normally I'd scorn them, but when it's planting time, they're perfect! How exciting!
Back up the other hill toward home, but stopped at the garden shop first, and checked out their grapes. It would be good to plant a grapevine right by the front steps to take the place of a handrail there, and to grow up over the windows to shade the porch during the summer... they had a few kinds, one I remember checking out online, Canadice. A nice variety, red seedless, very tasty, hardy to cold, should do very well here.
That's it! Home for a nice Saturday to listen to the radio and putter around the house, gardening, etc for a relaxed but productive day.

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